Monday, October 11, 2010

A gracious 'Thank You'

Jebidiah and I have done quite a bit of chit-chatting over the recent days and wanted to take the time to thank all of our followers. Without your love and support, this whole process of getting the blog up and going wouldn't be possible. While the idea of a blog started as just a dream, the encouragement and inspiration that is this blog came from all of you. Again, thank you many times over.

Some of you may have realized that I only have so much time to post my musings and rants. Some of you may have also realized that my participation in Dead Weed League activities has appeared to slip. I'd like to thank you all for being so understanding and supportive of the decision to broadcast my thoughts to a wider audience than just the ten members of the age-old membership of the Dead Weed League. Again, while it appear to some that my participation has slipped, I beg of you to take a look at my team's current record. Following this week, I'll be sitting at a very respectable 4-1. I'd also like to note that through the first fours weeks of competition I had yet to score more than 100 points in any week and had actually compiled a 3-1 record while being outscored on the season by seven points. Now, I don't mean to brag or rub the facts in anyone's face, but I'd just like to emphasize the point that my activities in the league have not slipped and I am well on my way to defend that 2009-10 season championship that was rightfully earned and will have to be forcibly pried from my cold, dead hands. But again, I'd like to thank everyone for being so supportive of my new found creativity in this blog.

I've heard rumors that there have been complaints to and from a mediocre commissioner (Joe, I'm talking about Nelson) that there hasn't been enough controversy throughout this season. I've heard rumblings that this blog is to blame for that. I choose to disagree with the allegations. Maybe if members of the league weren't Skyping to all hours of the night, flying across the country for fishing or music appreciation trips, attending Oktoberfest in September, sitting in lawnchairs watching farmers while wearing a Speedo, or driving six hours to look at '19 year-old' waitresses there might be a little more time to cause a stir within the Dead Weed League. So before you want to complain about this creative outlet, maybe each of you who are throwing stones should determine how many meaningful rants you've contributed in the recent weeks and years. Then we can compare our bodies of work and I can show you a true and meaningful rant and I bring a beat down that you soon won't forget.

Again, thank you so much for all the love and support that you've show to this blog. All the comments left on each post are really meaningful and I enjoy the constructive criticism. I wouldn't want you all to just be a bunch of silent followers. If that were the case, we'd set the human race back at least several years, back to the days when Old-Man Bollman ran the Dead Weed League. Without all of you, this work of art wouldn't be possible and I'd still be working on what felt like an empty canvas.

You have one week......

(A free prize will go out to the first response correctly identifying the show and character who uttered the last line in today's blog!!!!)   

1 comment:

  1. I can't help but notice that while you are hoping to "broadcast my thoughts to a wider audience", you have fewer followers on this blog than in the mighty football league. So you are actually reaching fewer people. And might I mention that your weekly recruitment of new followers has been dropping considerably?
